Saturday, 26 March 2016


JSF - Facelets Tags

Facelets JSF Tags

JSF provides special tags to create common layout for a web application called facelets tags. These tags gives flexibility to manage common parts of a multiple pages at one place.
For these tags you need to use the following namespaces of URI in html node.
Following are important Facelets Tags in JSF 2.0:
S.N.Tag & Description
We'll demonstrate how to use templates using following tags
  • <ui:insert>
  • <ui:define>
  • <ui:include>
  • <ui:composition>
We'll demonstrate how to pass parameters to a template file using following tag
  • <ui:param>
We'll demonstrate how to create custom tags.
We'll demonstrate capability to remove JSF code from generated HTML page.

JSF - Convertor Tags

JSF Convertor Tags

JSF provides inbuilt convertors to convert its UI component's data to object used in a managed bean and vice versa.For example, these tags can convert a text into date object and can validate the format of input as well.
For these tags you need to use the following namespaces of URI in html node.
Following are important Convertor Tags in JSF 2.0:

S.N.Tag & Description
Converts a String into a Number of desired format
Converts a String into a Date of desired format

Custom Convertor
Creating a custom convertor

JSF Validator Tags

JSF provides inbuilt validators to validate its UI components. These tags can validates length of field, type of input which can be a custom object.
For these tags you need to use the following namespaces of URI in html node.
Following are important Validator Tags in JSF 2.0:
S.N.Tag & Description
Validates length of a string
Validates range of numeric value
Validates range of float value
Validate JSF component with a given regular expression.
5Custom Validator
Creating a custom validator

JSF DataTable

JSF provides a rich control named DataTable to render and format html tables.
  • DataTable can iterate over collection or array of values to display data.
  • DataTable provides attributes to modify its data in easy way.

HTML Header

Following are important DataTable operations in JSF 2.0:
S.N.Tag & Description
1Display DataTable
How to display a datatable
2Add data
How to add a new row in a datatable
3Edit data
How to edit a row in a datatable
4Delete data
How to delete a row in datatable
5Using DataModel
Use DataModel to display row numbers in a datatable


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